The German Post-Critical Belief scale: Internal and external validity

Bart Duriez, Claudia Appel & Dirk Hutsebaut

Recently, Duriez, Fontaine and Hutsebaut (2000) and Fontaine, Duriez, Luyten and Hutsebaut (in press) constructed the Post-Critical Belief Scale in order to measure the two religiosity dimensions along which Wulff (1991, 1997) summarized the various possible approaches to religion: Exclusion vs. Inclusion of Transcendence and Literal vs. Symbolic. In the present article, the German version of this scale is presented. Results obtained in a heterogenous German sample (N=216) suggest that the internal structure of the German version fits the internal structure of the original Dutch version. Moreover, the observed relation between the Literal vs. Symbolic dimension and racism, which was in line with previous studies (Duriez, in press), supports the external validity of the German version.

Duriez, B., Appel, C., & Hutsebaut, D. (2003). The German Post-Critical Belief scale: Internal and external validity. Zeitschrift für Socialpsychologie, 34, 219-226.
