Our art highlights the dark side of living in times with seemingly unlimited possibilities for self-construal and self-actualization. In general, our art deals with existential loneliness and the difficulties people experience when trying to construct a unique personal identity and when trying to interact with others. We seek inspiration in pop art, psychoanalysis, the music and movies we are trying to grow up with, and other elements of contemporary popular culture. Often, through what reminds of stills of movies in which nothing of any significance ever happens, we create a claustrophobic universe in which people are isolated in one way or another.
Past Exhibitions
: LABO #2, Leuven, Belgium
: LABO #1, Leuven, Belgium
: Mixx, Herselt, Belgium
: Kunstroute-Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
: Haute Cuisine, Wilsele, Belgium
: Kulturama, Leuven, Belgium
: Museum M, Leuven, Belgium
: Haute Cuisine, Wilsele, Belgium
: Libertad, Leuven, Belgium
: OOKunst, Kortemark, Belgium
: Kunstroute-Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
: Existenz, Leuven, Belgium
: Zomer in de kruidtuin, Leuven, Belgium
: Sacred Places, Leuven, Belgium
: Kunstroute-Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
: Hemelsbreed Verschil, Koekelare, Belgium
: Blijf in je kot, Leuven, Belgium
: Schrijnwerkerij, Geel, Belgium
: Salve Mater, Lovenjoel, Belgium
: Galerij Jan Colle, Gent, Belgium
: Hemelsbreed Verschil, Koekelare, Belgium
: Molens Van Orshoven, Leuven, Belgium
: Museum Irenee Duriez, Ichtegem, Belgium